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I. Sriram (Bio)
Amrit Mishra (Bio)
K.Pravin (CS)
S.Vasanth Kumar (Bio)
KK. Varadha Yamunan(Bio)
M.S. Nishnath (CS)
R. Ravi Krishna (Bio)
V. Sibi (Bio)
E. Vinoth (CS)
Who are we?

We are the alumni of the 2009-2010 senior set of Kamaraj Special School, Chidambaram. We are going to study in different places from now but one thing will remain in common between us no matter where we go. That is we graduated from KSS CDM in 2010.

Purpose of the blog?

Well, this blog was created on 12.2.2009 as I had no Idea on what we will be doing after we graduate out of high school. People usually prefer Slam books and Pictures to remember their glorious school days but the Technology is developing ain't it?

Hence the blog. Hope it serves its purpose.

What can you do?

If you belong to this set, please answer all the profile questions answered by others and shoot an e-mail to ksscdm@gmail.com.

If you are a past or present member of our school, you can send any data or picture relating to our school to the same id. We will be happy to publish it with your name and details.

Varadha Yamunan K.K.

Name: Varadha Yamunan K.K.

Email Id : vrdh22@gmail.com

Current Address: 151, west car street,Cdm.

Phone Number: 04144 220425

Slam Questions

Nick Name : varadha..

Date of Birth :09/01/1993

Fav. Movies : Anbe Sivam, ullam ketkume more, night at the museum, varumaiyin niram sivappu, more and more...

Fav. Songs : Mile sur mera tum hara, jana gana mana, Vallavan album,...

What hobbies do you have?: orkutting, tamil novels, music...

Describe yourself : Nermaiyana kettavan (I've been knighted by my so-called foe, cool, easy going, love Gandhism, less passions, more efforts..,

Lines about me : Tell me how do u want me??I'll be like that..

Some positive points in u : clear mind, deep thinking, high ideas,and to the crown, mah silence...

Some negative points in u .less seriousness...feeling lack of time..

What else do you do in your free time : Will be free..sit back and relax....

Your plan in life is to....:become a nobel laureate in theoretical/quantum physics..

The best thing about u. : hardwork..take it easy type..never feel whenever I lose..

What sports or recreation do you do? :no time pa...

Define Friendship? : Friendship is a kinda relationship eclipsing all the others..And them whose hands, u search in space when u feel lonely or u feel u need shoulders are ur friends'...

If you could fly anywhere in the world, where would you go? :Varkala beach or around, Kerela..

Describe your most embarassing experience :
Everytime when I'd felt badly that I've lost some classes that could really do some wonders in me..(Chem & Phy especially)..

Describe your most memorable experience he days when I was more focussed..

Describe what you feel like waking up on Monday morning o be strict..never to forget anything and to do things in time....

Fav Actors? :we all...

Fav. Actresses? he rest of us...

Your Favourite one liner?: The wisdom of wise is the foolishness of fools...

Favourite Colour? And why? : Blue- reasoning

Favourite Author? : Kalki Krishnamoorthy, Balakumaran, Sujata, Subbiah Pandiyan...

Favourite chilling out activity? eep breath, lonely walk in evenings..

Favourite book? :Ponniyin Selvan, my Expts with truth,Alai oosai, The scientific basis of Krishna-Consiousness, Halliday- Resnick & Walker's..

Favourite fashion style? asuals, traditional..

Any favourite sports? Nothin'..They hate me....:)

Which thing matters to you most in life? :myself, mah characters, mah ideas,..

The thing you like best about your country? :namma vooru gals thaan....??(Avanga perseverence)

In your perspective, the most enchanting creation of universe is? :myself..??

How important is religion to you? ill it pokes me, I don't care 'em....

First thing a person will notice about you is? :ntg..??I don't know/.

Favourite MAgazine :Chutti Vikatan, kalki..Halliday- Resnick & Walker's....

Your blood group? -ve

Your favourite number or lucky charm
?Don't believes in luck...

Favourite personality
? :Gandhijee

Your favourite way of spending the day is by? eading some kinda books I see...

Your favourite subject? :Physics

Favourite flower? : jasmine

The best way to be happy in your opinion is? :let others be happy..Then u'll automatically be...

The tune or song you hum often is? :Mile sur mera tum hara..

School Oriented

Fav. Teacher : C.Sachitaanandam sir, Prof.M.S.Govindarajan sir, Akila mam..

Fav Subject :Physics once again

Have u ever Felt that You were in a Dungeon when u were inside our Campus(?!):nope..sometimes...May be in the years to come..

The Teacher Who misunderstood You all the time : None, I suppose...

Comments abt MS.G :my every respects to Prof. sir..He's one of the most fine physicists I've ever seen..very knowledgeable and punctual person..

Your Best Friend : myself...

Your Worst Friend :myself again..

Nicknames u use the most time on your friends eenu, baken, ennai, ...

The best thing that has happened on your School life :mah spl school transfer..

Your Favourite day on School:those days when they declared holidays all 'Coz of bad weather...

Closing words /message/advice you would like to convey to us:Remember we've got only twelve more months to enjoy..So better let's enjoy together..Don't listen to what teachers say u..Live as if it were only for U..My wishes..


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I. Sriram
July 22, 1992
K. Pravin
February 14, 1993 (B'day Valentine)
K.K Varadha Yamunan
January 9, 1993
R. Ramprasath
December 26, 1992 (Da Tsunami Boy!)
R. Ravi Krishna
Novenmer 12, 1992
M.S Nishanth
August 15th, 1993
V. Sibi
April 18, 1993
Amrit Mishra
October 17, 1992
S. Vasanth Kumar (Bay de da!)
October 5, 1993
E. Vinoth
November 26, 1992 (Made Mumbai HELL)
R. Shakthi Dhasan
October 12, 1992
A. Jawahar
November 14, 1992 (Giant born on Children day)
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