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I. Sriram (Bio)
Amrit Mishra (Bio)
K.Pravin (CS)
S.Vasanth Kumar (Bio)
KK. Varadha Yamunan(Bio)
M.S. Nishnath (CS)
R. Ravi Krishna (Bio)
V. Sibi (Bio)
E. Vinoth (CS)
Who are we?

We are the alumni of the 2009-2010 senior set of Kamaraj Special School, Chidambaram. We are going to study in different places from now but one thing will remain in common between us no matter where we go. That is we graduated from KSS CDM in 2010.

Purpose of the blog?

Well, this blog was created on 12.2.2009 as I had no Idea on what we will be doing after we graduate out of high school. People usually prefer Slam books and Pictures to remember their glorious school days but the Technology is developing ain't it?

Hence the blog. Hope it serves its purpose.

What can you do?

If you belong to this set, please answer all the profile questions answered by others and shoot an e-mail to ksscdm@gmail.com.

If you are a past or present member of our school, you can send any data or picture relating to our school to the same id. We will be happy to publish it with your name and details.

Vasanth Kumar .S

Name: S. Vasanth kumar

Email Id : vasanthanush8@gmail.com

Current Address: B7,2nd floor, Hi tech appartments,west car street.chidambaram.

Phone Number: 9488013039

Slam Questions

Nick Name : colo(past),aaya(present)

Date of Birth : 05.10.1993

Fav. Movies : varnam aiyeram,h.p order of phoenix, ethir neechal and so on

Fav. Songs :mundhinam par., mudhal kanavae, yogi b tracks, elina tracks......

What hobbies do you have?: dancing, painting, playing games,listening to music...

Describe yourself : I'm a cool guy and doesn't like to emphazise to what i have...need to be frndly always..

Lines about me : A man lives by believing something, not by debating and arguing abt many things

Some positive points in You : creativity platform, deep thinking......

Some negative points in You : unnecessary fear

What else do you do in your free time : chatting with frnds, reading books...

Your plan in life is to....: to be seated in my fav. job which i can't decide now,,

The best thing about u. : Be practical, take it easy policy, be confident always...

What sports or recreation do you do? : I use to play shuttle and throw ball as well in my school ground everyday

Define Friendship? : Friendship is a relation which was a gift for everyone in the universe by god to share our thoughts....

If you could fly anywhere in the world, where would you go? : I'd like to go to Australia, Antarctica , UK.......

Describe your most embarassing experience : escaped along with my family members in tsunami..

Describe your most memorable experience : tsunami,.....

Describe what you feel like waking up on Monday morning: To do works sincerely and wish to improve my capacity than bafore....

Fav Actors? : we all..

Fav. Actresses? : everybody..(even men ?!)

Your Favourite one liner?:True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful.

Favourite Colour? And why? : black, blue, red, white

Favourite Author? : shakesphere,sir james jeans, ....

Favourite chilling out activity? : travelling during night hours, dancing....

Favourite book? : sherlock holmes' detective stories..

Favourite fashion style? : Black shirt with Black phant,

Any favourite sports? : tennis, soccer, basket ball..

Which thing matters to you most in life? : We should mind our work and not insert our noses into others!

The thing you like best about your country? : tradition and customs...

In your perspective, the most enchanting creation of universe is? : we all,.

How important is religion to you? : i don't mind, எம்மதமும் சம்மதம்

Your style of humour is? (Goofy /slappy/cheesy/sarcastic/dry/campy): Campy

First thing a person will notice about you is? : face and hair

Favourite Magazine : German times

Your blood group? :A+ve

Your sun sign? : ரிஷப ராசி

Your favourite number or lucky charm? 63, 23. 5

Favourite day of week? : Saturday and Sunday

Any word or sentence which you often use ? :

Favourite personality? : My parents

Your favourite way of spending the day is by? :

Your favourite subject? : science and maths

Favourite flower? : jasmine

The best way to be happy in your opinion is? :

The tune or song you hum often is? :nana nana na ..

School Oriented

Fav. Teacher : Sachitaanandam sir, Meenakshi mam, M.S.G

Fav Subject : Tamil, Maths

Have u ever Felt that You were in a Dungeon when u were inside our Campus(?!): not ever

The Teacher Who misunderstood You all the time : Everyone knows the answer!

Comments abt MS.G : very intelligent, trying his best to teach the students in a right way.

Your Best Friend : ravi, sriram, varada, nisaanth, jawahar...

Nicknames u use the most time on your friends : varadhaamai, sorimuthaa, ravi*atti

The best thing that has happened on your School life : holidays on behalf of some unavoidable incidents..

Your Favourite day on School: everyday is my fav. day

Closing words /message/advice you would like to convey to us
Everything should be taken easy to heal the wounds in our heart


Varadha Yamunan said...

Ennada colo?? German times??idula tamil font vera??...So for only???...KAlakku..

Sriram said...

Vakka Makka....German timess....

Nishanth said...

hai aaya seen thangala tamil a eludi seen podria

Post a Comment


I. Sriram
July 22, 1992
K. Pravin
February 14, 1993 (B'day Valentine)
K.K Varadha Yamunan
January 9, 1993
R. Ramprasath
December 26, 1992 (Da Tsunami Boy!)
R. Ravi Krishna
Novenmer 12, 1992
M.S Nishanth
August 15th, 1993
V. Sibi
April 18, 1993
Amrit Mishra
October 17, 1992
S. Vasanth Kumar (Bay de da!)
October 5, 1993
E. Vinoth
November 26, 1992 (Made Mumbai HELL)
R. Shakthi Dhasan
October 12, 1992
A. Jawahar
November 14, 1992 (Giant born on Children day)
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